So, through a Craigslist ad, I was able to pick up 4 hours of work at the Double Eagle casino up in Cripple Creek. (4 hours today, 4 on Sunday - setup/tear-down) I didn't know what the event was until after agreeing to work. It's the Wheel of Fortune's traveling contestant search thing. They do a mini-version of the game show and stuff. I mostly moved boxes, unpacked stuff, help setup the heavy stuff on the stage.
I didn't get many pictures, but I'll try and get some on Sunday before tear-down.
It was beautiful's a view from highway 67 looking down on Cripple Creek. (It was safe for me to take, cuz I was stopped by road construction workers)
Here's me and Cardboard Vanna:
Unpacking the categories for the game board:
And on the way back, I stopped at Jonie's Deli in Woodland Park for lunch, and had a very de-lish turkey melt.
Reap the rewards - I was given some Wheel schwag to keep.
(I had to do those last two photos as links, cuz blogger wouldn't upload anymore)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Posted by The Real Deal at 4:26 PM
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